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The contacts file contains phone numbers and other essential details of any person the company is dealing with. It is recommended that all business card be entered into the contacts file so that all users have access to contact details.




Search Contact


To search for a contact press the Telephone button on the top right of the screen.


Enter Search Criteria

The first box is to search for Company

The second box is to search for First Name

The third box is to search for Surname

After entering the start of say the Fist Name Eg "chr" then move to another cell and all contacts starting with a first name "chr"

If this list is too long then enter the first part of the Surname and the list will be reduced to comply with the extra search criteria.

Highlight the person of interest to display the remaining details.

Any changes can be made at any time to keep the details up to date.

Use the Notes field to store any miscellaneous details.



After entering the email address press


to go to your default emailing program.



Contacts - <New Entry>


Fill in the personal details then Press the Save button to return to the calling program.

Company Details

The company details record the persons employment details.



The company are the details used in the "Company" search as above.


Personal details

The personal details record the name and phone number of the person itself.

First Name:

These details are used in the "First name"  search as above.


These details are used in the "Surname"  search as above.


Press the drop down for existing titles. To edit the list go to the Contact Title form.