Earning Groups

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Enter the type of payroll hours in the earning group:



Payroll Earning Group1




Enter the code (without spaces) or press the drop down for selection.

Payroll Earning Group2



Enter the description.


Expense Account No:


The expense account is enabled if the "Detailed Payroll Accruals" is checked in the group master file.

If enabled:

Enter the code or press the drop down for selection.


Accrual Basis:

Select Hourly or Period. If period is selected then accrual will occur for every pay generated. If no accrual is required the user must check the Non Accrual Pay when generating this pay.



Tick this box if these hours are taxable.



Tick this box if these hours are are to be include on the payslip as a separate line.


Monthly YR1:

Tick this box if these accrual hours different for the first year of employment.


Print Payslip YTD:

Tick this box if these hours are to be printed on the payslip.