Transport Codes

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Transport details are used by the sales module and the purchasing module to calculate the transport costs of different transport companies to a particular postcode/suburb.

These costs are also used to display the most economical transport method.



Transport Codes2




Transport Codes1



Hourly Rate:

Enter the hourly rate where applicable. Used where the number of hours are entered in the transport details.



Non Store Charge out:

This is added to the charge to the customer when the delivery is sent anywhere except the default shipto address in the debtors master file.


Charge out Percent:

Enter the percentage added to the cost to calculate the freight to be changed to the customer.


Fuel Charge out Percent:

The percent fuel charge changed by the transport company.


Purchase Order Details:


Delay Picking:

Check this box if picking is to be delayed

Consignment Note Required:


Display Cost:

Check this box if this transport cost is to be included in the transport cost poupup displaying the most economical transport cost.


Bypass Postcode Costing:

Check this box if this transport code is not to be used to validate missing details required to calculate the freight cost. Usually used for overseas freight companies where the freight calculating details are not available.


Bypass Freight:


Bypass Suburb:




These are charges associated with this transport dimension details.




Use this table to enter the surcharges charged by the transport company.
